MLIS Graduate Portfolio

Justin Barnett



Self portrait
Justin Barnett, MLIS Candidate
University of South Carolina, 2018-2021

As part of the graduation requirements for the University of South Carolina Masters of Library and Information Science program, this portfolio showcases a number of the assignments I completed between 2018 and 2020. Together, they form a picture of not only my general quality of work, but my development in the six competencies expected of a School of Library and Information Science graduate.

Each section of the portfolio includes not only the assignment, viewable in its original, unaltered state, but a description of the circumstances surrounding it as well as an analysis and some notes regarding how it has impacted my development as a librarian. Whenever possible, the assignments have been presented as simply as possible so as to make accessing them—whether it be a spreadsheet of data, a presentation, or an external website—hassle-free.

In addition to the assignments, you can see here both my current résumé (I'd love to start working soon!) and a vision statement that attempts to encapsulate how I feel about working with information as a career.

Special note: Semi-professional headshot expected ~20 November.